Plastocell wishes you a good start into the year 2023
Plastocell wishes a good start into 2023 and says thank you to all those from whom it was able to learn in partnership in 2022, as well as in the past years. We would like to take this time to simply say THANK YOU ....
We look forward to our joint development, new projects and new solutions, as well as new partnerships.
We wish you and your families a good start into what is sure to be a very exciting year 2023. We look forward to being able to go down this exciting path with you!
Your team from Schifferstadt
Picture from dashu83 at Freepik
We look forward to our joint development, new projects and new solutions, as well as new partnerships.
We wish you and your families a good start into what is sure to be a very exciting year 2023. We look forward to being able to go down this exciting path with you!
Your team from Schifferstadt
Picture from dashu83 at Freepik
Zurück zur Übersicht
Plastocell Kunststoff GmbH Mühlweg 4
67105 Schifferstadt
Tel: +49 62 35/95 59-0
Fax: +49 62 35/95 59-77